
How do I specify riser doors correctly?

Specifying a riser door is not always as simple as it seems. So in this video, I’m going to give you three things to remember.

Always consider the riser door as part of a system of products, as opposed to an independent item. So, for example you’d look at the surrounding wall system and maybe the nib sized around the riser door to check they are compliant.

It’s also good to practice to consider what’s going in front of the riser door because you may have some additional finishes that will then impact the performance of your door set.

Finally, always speak to the manufacturer of the door so that you can get their tested details and advice and specification support if they offer it.

As always, if you do have any more questions relating to riser doors or fire-rated door sets in general, feel free to give me a call and we can help advise or point you in the right direction if required.

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